Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I hope i can do more

Debbie..i dont really know what to say to you..i know that you're really sad that shobha is leaving cochrane..and wont be goin 2 skul tmrw..i wish i can do more for you than just posting this. This year is the 1st year i really get to know shobha well enough..but i can still say..she's a good friend..although we boys always tease her or bully her..but we still treat her as a friend..i cant imagine who wei leong will pick on after shobha left..i guess he will feel a bit sad too..unconsiously..

This whole year..you've sat with her..regardless of all the times we've teased you both..i know its hard to let a friend you've loved and been with go so sudden..but a friend will always remain a friend..no matter how far you are..you just got to keep contact..i think shobha will also feel the same..debbie..dont worry so much..keep those memories sweetest to you..even if you both are far away..there will still be a bond if there already was..just dont let it break..

In this school you still have us..you still got us..your classmates..i may not really understand you..but if you're sad..you can come to me..or the group of us..we'll always be by your side..whether you know it or not..you just haven found out..

Debbie..i know this may not be enough to cheer you up..but i hope you dont be too sad for too long..let your eyes rest and anything..im always here for you..cheer up ^_^..

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